Now with online translators like Google Translate or even App in your phone which can translate your content simultaneously a text. However, it’s not the same using a professional translator than a robotic one. For that reason, we feel the need on writing about the importance of hiring a professional translator and not a machine. A professional translator is someone that will make your idea understandable in a way that people from the audience you’re speaking to will feel you’re part of their world.

A Professional Translator and its precision

Getting the ideas. Be precise. An online or automatic translator doesn’t translate ideas. As a result, they just translate literally the specific word. In the best case it analyzes the group of words and just that. But language should be natural. It’s not comfortable to listen to or even read phrases in our language that they don’t sound familiar to our way of communicating.


A professional translator usually gets prepared on translating between languages. They are prepared to work on back and forwards from one sort of speak to the other. Slang, terms, common phrases and different resources based on the language will make the idea resound with your target audience. Besides that, years of experience are essential in order to get great results. Having a great communication with other people who speak a different language of yours will depend on that. For that reason, we Translax24 have the best translators and communicator you could ever have.


It’s very important that our translators get updated and specialized on different topics all the time. They also have to be prepared to translate from medicine and pharmaceutics to financial statements and graphic design. All with the same fluency. We’ll deliver a service with professionalism 100% guaranteed. Therefore, we’ll always delegate our best translator based on the topic, communication skills and need required.


Translation like many other things is an art. It’s finding the right words telling them at the right time in the right way. In many cases there’re no words or expressions in our language. That’s the moment when a professional translator uses creativity and makes a huge difference on the message.


We speak about fidelity in a dual sense. First of all, fidelity corresponding to the original content. Without taking things out or even adding something else not expressed before on the original translation.
Then, of course, fidelity is also trusting us. Any professional translator from our company already knows what important is the fact that our customers believe our translation will be delivering every word aligned to the purpose of the communication. Trust is important for us because we look for having trust-based relationships with our customers. The best quality translations will be always guaranteed with us.

We’re here to help you

Translax24 will be always committed to your success. We also have the best translators and interpreters in the market with experience working with customers all around the world. You can be sure our precision, experience, know-how, creativity and fidelity will make the results and the quality translation you’re looking for. Contact us to let us know about your project and get a quote from us.